Quickly design, test, and code your MVP

Design your wireframes and create interactive prototypes for user testing in minutesNo design, coding, or animation experience needed.


Wireframing on steroids

Quickly create your MVP with App Composer. With a few simple clicks, you’ll have beautiful, interactive apps for user feedback or to export code for development.

No Learning Curve

App Composer is super easy to learn. Even children can wireframe apps with App Composer. It takes only a few seconds to become an App Composer expert and all you need is a smart phone to start.

Instant User Testing

You're 1-click away from sharing a prototype with your potential users for rapid testing and instant feedback. Quickly incorporate user feedback to keep your users engaged and interested.

Export Code

Ready develop your app? Generate clean Angular code using App Composer so that your developer can finish the app in less time. Turning around apps for iOS, Android, web, and PWA is easier because of the Ionic framework.

How does it work?

App Composer creates Angular/Ionic code on the fly when UI components are added to the canvas. Because your designs are already in code, users can interact with the app just like a fully-developed app. When it’s time to export code, App Composer simply gives you the underlying code it was already using. See for yourself in the animation below…

When is the release date?

App Composer is currently in alpha testing to confirm it is beneficial for people like you who want to wireframe apps, test with users, and export the design to code. If alpha testing is successful, beta testing begins in April. We can’t wait!

We “think” App Composer is what the world needs. If you agree, show your support by subscribing for updates from us.
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Designed for all skill levels

As easy as launching App Composer from your smart phone, drag-and-drop components, and share a live link to your prototype.

No matter your skill level, do it all yourself … in minutes!


Business Owners

You need an app for your business, but you feel helpless because developing an app is out of your budget. Use App Composer to "drag-and-drop" your app in minutes and save money.



You have a great tech idea. Aside from wireframes, you are struggling to turn this concept into a prototype. You can leverage App Composer to wireframe and create a "real app" in one easy step.



Learning to code isn't rewarding because you don't see your results quickly, despite a significant investment in learning. App Composer teaches you the foundations of an app and provides rapid visual feedback.


Absolute Beginners

You're flustered because there are so many languages, tools, and technologies required to make a functioning app. App Composer is a single tool that gives you everything needed to create a complex, production-ready app using drag-and-drop technology.


App Agencies

You're trying to grow your business, but you're at a loss because the global talent shortage is hindering your plans. Now you can harness the power of your existing team to multiply your development capacity just by using App Composer and Acceleration Blocks.



You're feeling ripped-off because you overpaid and waited too long for the offshore developer to finish your app. Now you can do this in-house with your internal IT team. App Composer and Acceleration Blocks will supercharge you to a finished app in no time.


Project Managers

You're asked to run a new app project, but you are lost and don't know where to start: Consultants? Agencies? Offshore? Freelancing? Try submitting your project to our App Marketplace and select your app developer by the "working apps" created using App Composer.


Everybody Else

You feel that app development is so foreign to you and that only the cool kids understand them. App Composer levels the playing field. Now, you can be a cool kid too as development has never been easier for anybody who wants to try creating apps.

Powered by MSE Acceleration Blocks™

App Composer is a tool that is powered by Acceleration Blocks, which is our own “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) for app development. Together, our technologies ensure that you spend list time in code, technologies, or infrastructure and spend more time building great apps!

Monthly Plans






Per App



Per App

Need a custom plan?

We host agencies and enterprise clients of all sizes with plans that are tailored to your unique needs.

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Our goal is to turn App Composer into the greatest thing since sliced break. Word of mouth is the most sincere way to do this. Here is how you can help us grow our community and get rewarded.


Use App Composer to refer a friend. You and your friend will earn a 1-year subscription for each referral. Yes ... you can stack them.

Affiliate Program

Love talking about App Composer? Well, don't miss out on a great opportunity to include a referral link into your blog or YouTube videos. Earn $100 for each qualified* referral.

Try App Composer for Free!

Turn your app idea into an interactive prototype in minutes!

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